Invest in the young people of Africa: Entrepreneurs tells world leaders

Young people in Africa have been recognized as an asset rather than a problem by world leaders who also committed to investing in projects that would provide them with jobs and opportunities. Rwanda’s president Paul Kagame, who was one of the African heads of state present at the investment round-table for young people in Africa, said the recently signed African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement would expand opportunities for the youth. ‘‘Bigger markets, free movement of people and the elimination of internal trade will soon be reality on our continent,’‘ Kagame said.

Other African leaders who were scheduled to speak at the event held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly were Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta, Ghana’s Nana-Akufo Addo, Nigeria’s Muhammadu Buhari and Sierra Leone’s Julius Maada Bio.

Questions from Africa’s youth 

By 2030, there will be about 1.3 billion 15 to 24 year old on the planet, some 100 million more than in 2015.

While 10-12 million youth enter the workforce each year, only 3 million jobs are created annually, fueling unemployment and economic frustration for many young people.

Several initiatives are being implemented by institutions like the United Nations, African Union, African Development Bank and the UK’s Department for International Development, to generate more job opportunities for the youth.

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