Fani Kayode blows hot that FGN must act now to expel South Africans from Nigeria

Nigerian former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode on Sunday called on the Federal Government to expel all South Africans from Nigeria. Fani-Kayode spoke in the wake of fresh Xenophobic attacks and protest in South Africa as the citizens demanded that foreigners should leave their country.


After watching a trending video in which the South Africans stormed the streets demanding foreigners to leave, Fani-Kayode said This is happening right now in Johannesburg, South Africa. Well organized and well-armed South African mobs and killer squads are marching in the streets calling for all foreigners to leave and looking for Nigerians to kill.


How long do we have to put up with this state-sponsored violence and extreme provocation? Will we turn the other cheek forever? Who will defend mother Nigeria and who will fight for us? Is our blood so easy to spill and are our lives so cheap? What is our government doing? What are our Armed Forces there for if not to protect our lives and defend our honor and people?

“The South African Government has openly encouraged and openly supported this great evil and the mass murder of our compatriots! Enough is enough! We cannot be expected not to retaliate in the streets of Nigeria! You cannot kill our people and expect yours to go free in our shores or for your corporations to have peace and security in our nation.”


According to Fani-Kayode, for every action there is a reaction, saying that is the law of nature and the world, which said “if you shed innocent blood it will come back to you!”

I call for the expulsion of all South African citizens from Nigeria, the nationalization of all South African companies and corporations that are operating in Nigeria, the breaking up of diplomatic ties with South Africa, a recall and relocation of all our citizens that live and reside in South Africa back home to Nigeria and, if the targeting and killing of our citizens does not stop, an apology tendered and full compensation paid by the South African Government, a declaration of total war with South Africa,” he added.

Event of major incidents surrounding the Xenophobic issue in South Africa:

  • South Africa police operation to verify foreigners in Pretoria
  • Ghana confirms injury of three citizens, arrest of five others
  • Nigeria FM slams South African counterpart
  • Madagascar calls off friendly with South Africa
  • Air Tanzania suspends flights to South Africa
  • Anti-South Africa protests in DRC
  • Nigerian Airline to airlift citizens back home for free
  • South Africa says arrests at 289, death toll stands at 5
  • Kenya says two of its citizens were killed
  • South Africa must do more to stop xenophobia – Amnesty International
  • Nigeria issues South Africa Travel Advisory
  • Local airline, Air Peace, offers free evacuation of Nigerians
  • Nigeria pulls out of World Economic Forum on Africa, ongoing in Cape Town
  • Reprisal attacks were recorded in Lagos and Ibadan
  • Abuja issued statement calling for calm and restraint
  • Nigeria police beefs up security at SA-owned businesses
  • Regional body, Southern Africa Development Community, SADC; voices condemnation
  • Botswana issues South Africa travel advisory
  • MTN shuts all shops across Nigeria
  • Zambia shuts three South African malls
  • Zambia football body cancels match with SA

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